About Us
Who We Are

Who we are?

We’re a husband and wife tag-team who decided to build a platform that aims to showcase the great people of Maine.

We are independently published with all the strengths of a traditional media company, minus the politics. We are lean and mean, and we are situated right here in Saco, Maine.

What we do?

Mainers is a multi-faceted digital media business spreading the love of Maine through its digital magazine. All for FREE!

Each month we deliver a monthly magazine issue shining the spotlight on the great people of this state.

What we want?

We want to share the love that breaks you free from the daily grind and reminds you why you are proud to be a Mainer.

Our mission is to share inspiring stories from Mainers of family, community, hope, faith, challenges and love.

Ultimately, we’re grateful you’re here to partake in the journey with us.

Our Story: Where It began...

Throughout my life, I have been introduced to some incredible people and had the blessing to sit down with them to listen to their life stories. It's people like Ronald, an older gentlemen from Northern Maine that I stumbled across standing in line to grab a coffee at my local coffee shop. Ronald was a funny character. He shared stories about his time in the Navy, his grandchildren and who he thought would be the next president (I didn't have the heart to tell him that Bob Dole would not be the next president). Ronald just wanted someone to listen, someone he could share his many life experiences with.

There have been many people like Ronald...

  • • Matt a friend who moved out to Las Vegas to pursue his dream of becoming a professional poker player.
  • • Jennifer a personal trainer and nutritionist who traveled around the world helping celebrities get in shape.
  • • Ian a hometown athlete who set a world record in the Olympics, before being bested by Michael Phelps.
  • • John who started an online business from his apartment who now generates 6-figures per month.
  • These amazing people all have one thing in common. They are Mainers. Just like you and me.

    Unfortunately, we go through life meeting these special people, but often their stories get lost (or untold). That's when the light bulb moment hit me. There needs to be a way to spread and share these stories. That is when Mainers magazine was born! A monthly digital magazine sharing, “Real Stories from Real Maine People”.
